Java in Hindi: Java is a Pure Object Oriented Programming Language. It is currently used not only in computers but in cell phones, Mobiles, PDAs etc. Also in this Programming Language, such application software can be made very easily, which can connect different types of electronic devices and communicate with each other.
Java is actually a very big programming language, so the Java company has divided it into several parts, so that the programmers who develop related software, only need to know about Java related to that category.
But in all these parts of Java, a part of Java is used in common and that part of Java is called Core Java.
In addition to Core Java, Java is divided into different parts to meet the needs of different types, those different parts are called Advance Java in one word. Java is basically divided into three parts-
Java Micro Edition (J2ME)
Java Standard Edition (J2SE)
Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
There are many other divisions in these three parts of Java, which have been done keeping in view various needs.
The biggest feature of Java is its Portability and Security. That is, the program developed for any one device in Java can run without any recompilation on any other device. While Java does not permit direct access to any device's hardware, Java is more secure than other compiler-based programming languages like "C", "C ++".
Java GUI
In Java, we can easily create a management GUI application, which does not depend on any Operating System and Computer Architecture and can run on any kind of device. While there is a need to create a separate GUI for different types of Computer Architecture and Operating System, in other programming languages.
Java with Oracle
Java is very easily integrated with Oracle and is very useful for developing High-Level Database Application.
Java Applet
Java applets are Java programs that are embedded in Web Browser and run in the User's Web's Web Browser. The applet is completely Full Featured Web Programs, which run on user's computer's JRE i.e. Java Virtual Machine.
We can easily convert any Java application to Java applet and any Java Applet in Java application easily. Due to this feature of Java, there is no need to create two separate programs for both desktop and web pages.
As the Java Applets Client extends the capabilities of Web pages that appear in the Side Web Browser, the same way Servlets Server extends the capabilities of the Side Web Host. That is, the Servlets are completely server-oriented and meet with JSP to meet the requirements for making Dynamic Web Pages on the Server Side.
JSP (Java Server Pages)
Like PHP and ASP, JSP is also a Server Side Scripting Language, which is completely Java. That means that if you learn Java, you do not need to learn a server-side scripting language, such as PHP or ASP, to create dynamic websites, because using Java's JSP Part, we can create Dynamic Websites, in the same way, Are done using the same scripting languages like ASP or PHP.
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition)
Because Java is generally used to handle very much data and is used by very large companies, which use their data in various applications in different ways in different ways and develop various types of new software.
As a result, this part of Java has been specially developed to convert a very large amount of data from one form to another and transfer from one application to another. Generally, this part of Java does the need to reproduce the data in XML form and change it from one form to another.
J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition)
Generally, this part of Java is also called Java 2 Mobile Edition because this part of Java meets the requirements of Software for Mobile Communications that is designed for Mobile Devices. This version of Java fulfills the requirements related to applications designed for cell phones, Mobile Tracking Systems, PDA Devices.
Presently, almost all major mobile companies support Java and provide different types of Java Based Library Kit to facilitate developing Application Software, Games, etc. for their Mobile Device.
Google has also developed an Open Source Operating System named Android for Mobile Devices using Java with Linux Kernel, which has become quite popular right now, and almost all the big companies are using Mobile Device for this Android Platform, Tablets, etc. Develop. Not only that, various types of Video Games and Compact Networking and Distributed Applications are also developed in Java.
Java is also used in devices related to MP3 Players, Digital TVs, Videos, 3D Animation, etc. while ARM-Based Processors support Java to Hardware Level. The development of "Java" language took place around 1995 and after almost 17 years, the language is being used to cater to the many useful and most needed needs. That is why it is still taught in High-Level Courses from the O-Level, A-Level, B-Level and M-Tech Level authorized by the Communication Department of BCA, PGDCA, MCA, Government of India.
With the above Discussion, you have come to understand that Java is a programming language used to cater to a very big and very wide range of needs. Therefore learning Java is very important for your Professional Programming Career. But you can use different parts of Java to meet the different needs you can use in the same situation better when you use Java Core Only understand well
That is, there is only one way to mastery in Java that your master is master in Java. So to learn "Java" Programming Language easily, we have prepared the "Java Programming Language in Hindi" book, which teaches you to step by step not only in a programming language in Java language but also by increasing your knowledge of Core Java. Advance also uses Java.
In this book, we try to explain the Basics related to Java Applets, Java Applications, Java GUI with AWT, Java with Database and Java Networking in a very simple language.
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