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What is Python programming?

Is an object-oriented and high-level programming language. If you are not able to understand what the object-oriented and high-level programming language is, then you do not need to panic. The tutorials have already been uploaded on these topics. You can read them a little bit.

What is Python programming?

If you have not read any programming language before, you can launch it from Python. Python is a great programming language and it is very easy to learn. By learning Python programming, you can also create search engines like websites, games, and Google.

History of Python - Python was created by Guido van Rossum (Guido van Rossum) in the Netherlands during the years 1985- 1990.

The first version of Python was released in January 1994, the second edition was released on October 3, 2008, in the third edition of October 16, 2000. Now Python's version 3.6 is running, which was released on December 23, 2016.

To read Python or use Python, we do not have to take a license or pay any price because Python is available under the General Public License (GPL).

GNU General Public License is a widely used free software license, which guarantees the freedom to run, read, and modify the software.

Characteristic of PYTHON: -

1. It is very easy to use any database with Python, besides adding Python to other programming languages such as C, C ++ is also very easy.

2. Python can be used to create a dynamic website using a scripting language like PHP. It can also be used to compile its Python like programming language like C, C ++.

3. At this time Python's craze is about to create a dynamic website in a country like America. Hackers also prefer Python as Python makes website hacking easy in many ways.


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